Because You Loved Me


Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen | Chapter Eighteen | Chapter Nineteen | Chapter Twenty
Chapter Seven

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It's a bit shorter than usual so I apologise. I was getting a little fed up with Brennan (that's what you get for writing yourself into a corner) so I decided to add a little 'twist' to the plot. A little bit of outside interference as it were. Maybe it's time that Emma got a little revenge on Brennan, no?

Btw, saw the picture of Emma and Jesse from a link that a review posted. It was nice, made me think. Hmmm . . . maybe I should make this a E/J fic. What do all the E/B fans think? ;)

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Emma closed the door behind her, blocking the music from the club, hoping against hope to block out the thought of Brennan and Shalimar dancing together.

Inside, Brennan smiled into Shalimar's eyes. She was an exciting woman, he admitted to himself. He was having fun after a long time - such a long time.

He pulled Shalimar closer to him.

Emma's knees buckled.

Brennan put his arm around Shalimar's waist.

Emma collapsed to the floor.

Brennan ran his fingers through Shalimar's hair.

Emma almost threw up, the pain causing her to clutch her stomach.

Brennan brought Shalimar's face closer to his.

Emma shuddered, as pain cleaved her body.

Brennan kissed Shalimar.

Emma screamed; she couldn't take it anymore. And then. . . . Nothing.

Emma pushed herself from off the floor. The pain had stopped; she couldn't feel Brennan kissing Shalimar anymore. In fact, she couldn't feel anything. She was alone in her mind, and it was quiet. She couldn't feel anyone! No emotions tried to push their way into her mind.

Emma hugged herself, almost delirious with joy. It had been so long that she had forgotten the comforting privacy of one's own mind. She laughed; she hadn't felt so free in a long time. She wanted to dance right there; shout out to the whole world that she couldn't hear them anymore. She was free!!

*~ Broadcast any louder and the whole world will hear you anyway. ~* A wry presence commented.

*~ Who are you? Where are you? ~* Emma spun around, but she couldn't see anything.

*~ With you. Can't you feel me? ~* And Emma could. She had been wrong before she wasn't alone. Someone was with her in her mind. Someone was protecting her, comforting her. She had never felt such a soothing presence before. She knew, without any doubt, intuitively, that this presence wanted to help her.

*~ Yes, I want to help you. Let me help you. ~*

*~ Who are you? ~*

*~ Someone who understands you Emma. Come to me. Let me help you. ~*

*~ Yes. Help me. ~* Emma started walking away from the club. This person would help her. This person would make everything better. She had to get to . . . him, her?

*~ Him. My name is . . . ~*

"Emma, are you alright?" She felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning around she saw Jesse apprehensively looking at her. Behind him, she could see Brennan and Shalimar.

"What happened? We have been trying to get in touch with you for an hour. But you didn't answer your com-link." Jesse was getting worried; he noticed the tears on Emma's face. Her eyes were red; she had obviously been crying. He looked more carefully at her, she didn't seem unhappy. In fact, she looked radiant. Despite the tears and the dust on her outfit, she looked like she had seen a vision. Jesse didn't know what to make of it.

"Emma where are you going?" he asked as she started to walk away.

"Huh? Where am I going? I don't know. I just know I have to go . . ." Emma smiled at her friends and started again. Jesse caught her before she could get any further.

"She's delusional or something. I think we should get her back to Sanctuary." Shalimar and Brennan nodded, a bit frightened for Emma. She was behaving very oddly.

Jesse gently took Emma by the shoulders and steered her towards the Double Helix.

"No Jesse, we are going the wrong way." Emma tenderly informed her friend.

Jesse looked at the other two, and they both shook their heads. They had no clue about what Emma was talking about. Jesse decided to humour her, Emma was obviously ill. "No Em, THIS is the right way. Trust me."

Emma looked at him with dreamy, unfocused eyes, "Of course."

They bundled Emma onto the Double helix and took off for Sanctuary. Adam would figure out what was wrong with her. Emma sat silently, lost in her thoughts.

*~ Let me help you. Trust me. ~*

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