Because You Loved Me


Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve | Chapter Thirteen | Chapter Fourteen | Chapter Fifteen | Chapter Sixteen | Chapter Seventeen | Chapter Eighteen | Chapter Nineteen | Chapter Twenty
Chapter Sixteen

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Okay, I know this is a short chapter, but I wanted to have this up before I got Brennan into a serious conversation. Serious conversations are difficult to write, especially when you have papers to do as well. :P

Tell me what you think. I could change it if this sounds to contrived.

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Brennan didn't hear the tentative knocking on his door the first time. He was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking of Edward holding Emma. *~ And why shouldn't he hold her? He has brought more happiness to her than I ever have, . . . or ever will! ~* He kept repeating this to himself, trying desperately to convince himself. He should feel happy for his friend. His friend, only his friend . . . . *~ Emma. ~*

He closed his eyes and tried to push the anger out of his mind. He knew that it was irrational and it was corroding him - eating him from the inside. It was twisting him, forcing him to become something hateful. He still remembered Jesse's look as he stepped away from Emma. It had been almost - frightened. Somehow, unknowingly, he had managed to frighten the people he cared for more than himself. *~ No wonder Emma shrinks from me. No wonder she turns away from me. ~*

*~ Emma . . . ~* Despite all his efforts, Brennan could not drive her face out of his mind. Every little feature of it, every little inflection was burned into his mind. All Brennan had to do was relax the tight control he kept over himself and she would flood his mind. All he had to do was relax and he would drown in her.

Her smile . . . the curve of her mouth. The way she held her head. The line of her neck when she bent over something. Every little thing, everything . . . *~My Emma . . . mine . . . ~*

Brennan shuddered; it would be so easy to let go. The thought was frightening and exciting at the same time. He didn't understand why he felt like this, and he knew he didn't like it. He was tired of this confusion, of this constant pain.

When he was away from Emma it hurt, but being near her was no better. Every time she turned away from him, every time she turned to someone, anyone else a little piece of him died.

*~ I hate it! I hate her! Why is she doing this to me?!! Why can't she leave me alone?!! ~*

Brennan got up from the bed and walked to the sink. He looked in the mirror and he saw a stranger staring back at him. The stranger looked like Brennan but his eyes were haunting. They saw Emma turning away from them; they saw her turn to Edward; they saw her cry because of Brennan. They hated the man in the mirror.

Brennan sighed, leaning his head on the cool glass. *~ What to do? ~*

"BRENNAN! Are you all right?" Shalimar's voice cut across his dark thoughts. It finally registered to Brennan that someone was at the door and had been for a long time.

He opened the door to see an irate Shalimar standing outside the door, hand on hips and obviously very angry.

"Good of you to open the door." Brennan winced at her tone.

"Now, tell me what is going on?!"

"I don't know what you are talking about" Brennan backed away from the door, allowing Shalimar to enter his room.

"ENOUGH Brennan. I might not be empathic or a genius like Adam, but give me some credit. Something is wrong, very wrong and I want to know what it is. What is wrong with you? What was that stunt in the kitchen all about?"

"I don't want to talk about it." *~ Yes I do. No! There is no point in talking about it. No one can help . . . but . . . I am so confused. ~* Brennan rubbed his head, feeling a terrible headache coming on.

Shalimar's face softened as she saw the helpless expression on Brennan's face. "Please tell me. Let me help you. Trust me." She placed a hand on his shoulder.

Brennan looked at his friend. He needed to tell someone.

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