Out of the Confusion comes Love


Loss | Reaction | Adam | Anger | Thinking of Love | Jesse Finds Someone?

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Adam contiuned to work in the lab but his mind wasn't on the work. *Emma. What have I done to you? Why can't I tell you the truth. That I love you. Why have I shut you out of my heart so that you could not read the truth that is written in my heart. Why am I afraid of this love that I have for you?*

Adam thought back to the first moment he had seen Emma. <The next few paragraphs are taken from the episode guide at: http://www.mutantx.net/episodes/season_01.html . I have yet to see these episodes so I can't from memory write my feelings of the character's thoughts and feelings were.>

Utterly confused, Emma turns to run. A calm mysterious stranger, Adam blocks her path. Adam takes Emma's hand and tells her she is among friends and that all her questions will soon be answered. <The shock of the New>

Back at the club, Brennan learns that Maria is actually a mutant who has been helping Caleb track down his prey to avoid becoming his next meal herself. When she refuses to reveal Caleb's whereabouts, Shalimar convinces Maria to offer her to Caleb. Tragically, by the time Shalimar gets to Caleb's cellar, Emma is dead. Enraged, she takes Caleb out with a fatal blow, before reporting Emma's death to Adam, who is stunned and saddened. Adam, realizing this is precisely the moment when Caleb will rise again and need to feed, tries to warn Shalimar, but she's too distraught over Emma to hear him. Sure enough, Caleb comes to and goes after Shalimar. Brennan arrives in the nick of time and throws an arc of electricity, killing Caleb. Suddenly, a strange glow emanates from Caleb's mouth, as the life force drains from him and is returned to Emma. < Lazarus Syndrome>

Adam rushes Shalimar to the lab, where he deduces that Henry must have taken control of her subconscious when she fell asleep. Whatever is happening in her mind is affecting her body. Emma wants to use her telempathic powers to connect with Shalimar, but Adam forbids her, fearful that Henry might take over her mind through Shalimar. . As Adam and Emma observe Shalimar, they notice her skin has begun to burn. They frantically wrap her in bandages and assume that she is being tortured for information in her dream. Against Adam's orders, Emma connects with Shalimar and tells her that it's all just a nightmare. Adam asks Emma to use her powers to enter their dreams and convince Henry that Mutant X was not responsible for Brianna's death. Emma gets a glimpse of Brianna, but when Adam leaves the lab momentarily, Henry's voice suddenly emerges through Brennan and he tells Emma that Mutant X will suffer for what they did to his wife. Brennan grabs Emma and puts his hand to her temple, imprinting her. Adam rushes in, but Emma is already unconscious. <Nothing to Fear>

Rick also goes into cardiac arrest, his body emitting a whirlwind that sends Emma flying across the room. Rick dies just as Jesse rushes in to rescue Emma, who's unconscious on the floor. When Emma comes to, she realizes that both she and Jesse have now been exposed to Cladosporium. . With Emma and Jesse both beginning to lose control of their mutant powers simultaneously, a panicked Adam sends Shalimar to get them and bring them back to the hospital for observation. <Meaning of Death>

<Back to my own POV>.

Adam brought his head back up and wiped away the tears that had come to his eyes as he thought over the past few months. *Wonder why I stopped at the point of Emma and Jesse having Cladosorium? They are quite all right after all.* He shook his head in slight wonder. He turned his head toward the doorway expecting to see Emma standing there. But the doorway was empty.

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